It is mandatory to wear helmets when you are riding a bike, even if you do so, on the pillion. Many people find such wearing of helmets as damaging to their hairdos and coiffures and prefer to wear biker head wraps below the helmet. Most such wraps fit comfortably over the head and form a barrier between the scalp and the helmet. The wraps can also be used to protect the back of the neck from the effects of the sun. Such wraps have parts that extend down from the head and protect the neck.
Biker head wraps come made in many materials including leather. Some are very lightweight, others come with sweat bands. Most of them make a fashion statement of their own and are used by any bikers to proclaim their biking affinities. These wraps can fit completely over the head or function more like scarves that go over the forehead and tie down the hair so that it is not disturbed during the bike ride. You can even get such wraps with bling in the form of rhinestones. Such head wraps can make perfect gifts for friends who are biking enthusiasts and can be easily ordered over the internet.