Muslim head wraps are worn by both men and women who identify themselves religiously as being Muslim. Men wear turbans and women wear a head covering called a hijab. There are both religious and personal reasons behind choosing to wear a Muslim head wrap.
Men wear turbans as a way to distinguish themselves from other non-Muslims. Turbans do not have to follow any certain color or design but many men choose to wear either white, green, and black turbans. Green is known as the color of paradise and the Prophet Mohammed was known to wear a white turban. Women wear a hijab as an expression of modesty. It is popular belief that Muslim women are dictated by their religious culture to wear these head coverings, however Muslim women are not required to do so. Most women choose to wear these head scarves and see it as privilege and a benefit provided to them.
Both male and female head coverings are worn as an expression of modesty. They believe that by wearing a head wrap they will be judged as a person and are able to conduct business in a respectful environment. The head wraps also allow them to feel both comfortable and liberated. These head coverings can be made out of cotton, silk, or any colored fabric.